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Sanya Noorani

4 Ways to Clean Your Shoes!

We wear all sorts of shoes like Converse, Vans, Adidas and you want to know what they all have in common? Well, they all get dirty! And, we can't argue that when it comes to cleaning them, it's the hardest thing to do when you don't know how too, so today I am going to show you how to clean any pair of white shoes. Enjoy!

#1: With Vinegar

This way is the most commonly used. All you need is 1 cup of Vinegar, 1/4 Cup of Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda), and a brush. Now just mix the vinegar and baking soda, scrub your shoes with it, and let them dry. Your shoes should have gotten cleaner then they were before.

#2: With Hydrogen Peroxide

With way number 2, you are going to need 1 tsp of dish soap, 2 Tbsp of Baking Soda, and 3 Tbsp of Hydrogen Peroxide. Personally, I've never tried this, but I've been told, it works amazingly well.

#3: With Whiteout

Way #3 depends on how dirty your shoes are. You wouldn't want to be scrubbing your shoes with a whiteout stick for an hour. If you always want to keep your shoes clean, then you can attempt to do this way a few times a month. So, yes, you are only going to be needing a whiteout stick and your shoes. Hopefully, this works because it did for me in the early stages of my white converse.

#4: With a Laundry Machine

This process was by eHow ( You are going to need a White-out Stick, a laundry machine, and some rubbing alcohol, which is also optional. The first thing you'll want to do is use the white-out and remove any easy-to-erase stains. Next, you'll want to put your shoes in your laundry machine with cold water, along with some towels so your shoes don't hit the sides so much. Also, I recommend using a bleach-free detergent as bleach can weaken the fabric. Let your shoes air dry, if you have white shoes, then put them in the sun, if not then keep them in the shade. This is because sunlight can lead to discoloration. If you see any scuffs or scratches, then this is where you can use the alcohol and remove it. That's it! Your shoes should look brand new!

Everyone loves having clean shoes and these ways will help with that. Happy Cleaning! XOXO!

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